Update and Post Surgery Life....

 A week ago, I was lying in a hospital bed recovering from a surgery to remove a cancerous lesion on my tongue and while at it I had some lymph nodes on my neck removed too. I wound up spending 3 days in the hospital. Not my favorite place to be. Matter of fact I despise doctors. Like with a purple passion. Not that I do not appreciate what they do I do appreciate that. 

One of my largest fears pre surgery was my tastebuds being lost. Well, that fear did not come to fruition.... Thank God, Universe or whatever you believe in. My sense of taste and smell is better than it was prior to the surgery for some odd reason but I will take it. Although wheat flavors have been turned up to 11. I mention this because whatever broth they use at hospitals taste like wheat not beef or chicken. /puke in my opinion.

Saturday I made a bowl of Miso Broth thanks to my daughter making me some Dashi Broth. I was 1000% sick of sweet foods. Thankfully she has enough culinary experience to be able to step in and cook for me when I am out of commission.

Miso Soup made with a Red Miso. One of my favorite things about Miso Soup is
Watching the miso dance in the soup. The way it shimmers is beautiful to me.

Of course, I have to relearn where my physical boundaries are and well how does Russell do that... Simple I overdo it and pay the price for overdoing it. Then I have to be couched for a day or so. So this is what my silly arse did. I overdid it and paid the price on Sunday.

Sunday was a day of extra rest and ignoring the extra pain that I created. 

Monday was a bit better of a day and ended up having a tomato soup for dinner. Homemade of course.

Tuesday. Well we bought doors for our house back in Sept and they have arrived and were installed. The contractor still has a glass storm door to install and a bit of finish work to do. The whole getting dark early and stuff. Thursday and Friday windows should go. That is one thing I am most looking forward to. I love to open windows on warm days/cool days.

My daughter had a Butternut Squash and Chickpea Curry with Spinach for dinner. She made it herself to include the Korma blend that she used to flavor the curry. It smelled like heaven.

I did try to eat solid or more solid food because well I am tired of soft/soup type foods. It quickly became apparent that the pain taxman was going to show up and lay heavy penalties for my folly so I retreated to a bowl of Tomato Soup. 

I have noticed that my mental power is nowhere near what it was but it is coming back, slowly. So, it depends on my pain level and sleep quantity/quality as to how far I can stretch my mind's ability to think and concentrate. I guess that is what it is. Food and Photography is very important to me and my recovery so I try to do at least the photography even if it is only a cellphone shot or a shot that sees the trashcan. Creating is important to my mental well-being. Food is important to both mental and physical well-being. 

I hope all is well in your world and if you stopped by to read this thank you.


  1. Glad to read that you are slowly, slowly recovering. I know slow might not be your thing right now, but slow is good when you can take it easy and let your body do it's thing. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and your photos 😊

    1. Thank you and slowly is something I have issues doing even when I am doing things that I have developed slow/er methods it still drives me insane lol.

  2. Glad to have you back in the swing - I went too quickly after my first surgery last March and had to really slow down. After the second this past April, I moved through recovery at a saner pace. When #3 happens (probably a hip, most likely after the New Year if I get fed up enough), I'll really ease back into things. Take your time - you have a loving family and your taste buds. And plenty of people rooting for you.

    1. That is true and patience is not one of my stronger suits unless I am trying to figure something out or it interetes me.

  3. So glad for you keeping your taste buds. That curry does look good. I am not a fan of vegetarian food ( says the man who was veggie for 9 years) but curry seems to be a natural when it comes to vegetarian, I suppose because the food evolved in a vegetarian society. It can be vegetarian almost by accident. Hope you can move on from soups soon.

    1. That is something that was a key replacement for my lack of physical work for lack of better terms. I am 100% ommivore. For me a Veg dish depends on how it is cooked and the main key is it in season and fresh. I can make a meal out of veg during its season and during summer I can even crave it. I was talking to a friend on a separate subject but it did relate to this somewhat. Now yes religious practices do apply here in India but We were talking about economics and how the "poorer" countries have better produce at a cheaper price while more "developed or Richer" Countries have cheaper meats. I find that facinating to be honest. I do not know if I typed it in such a way it makes sense in the manner that I want it to.

  4. It's great to see you doing well after the surgery. I'm so glad your taste buds are back in action, and (I assume) you can talk also. Hope you can enjoy your enforced rest a bit!

    1. :) thank you. Talking is getting easier there is some tongue moments that I have to concentrate on but in time that will be easier too.


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